Bangel Taillight Holder (wire inlay on wood) - This Taillight Holder is devloped on wire inlay craft on wood with glass bangels which is the symbol of Traditional Indian Women.
Gold Leaf Painted Taillight Holder(on marble stone) - This Taillight Holder is developed with Gold Leaf Painting on marbel stone. This craft was flourish during Mughal Era.
Magazine and Paper Holder - The design of this Magazine Holder is inspired from line. This is made up of wood and ancient craft technique of sand casting.
Taillight Holder(on wire inlay on wood) - This Taillight Holder is made up of wood and with the work of wire inlay craft.
Bottel Opner(Sand Casting) - This is the bottel opner developed with the craft called Sand Casting. This design is inspired from Parrot Peak.
Bar Code Desing Flower Vase(on brass metal sheet)
Finel(Curtain rodend on sand casting)
Fruit Pick(on Sand Casting)
Napkin Holader
Napkin Holder
Tea Coster Set
Tea Coster Set
Speed penholder - This design of pen holder is inspired from speed. I have developed this design using send casting technique.
Corner Table - This design I had developed with using sand casting and black smith craft.
Corner Table - This design I had developed with using sand casting and black smith craft.