Responder 108 - Thesis Document (hit the download PDF link on the right to download/view the book) - This PDF is a comprehensive document that covers all aspects of this project, how it was done, and what it entails. *(hit the download PDF link on the right to download/view the book)*
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Responder 108 - Photographs of the Location: Garuda Mall, Bangalore - Responder 108 was my diploma project undertaken in conjunction with CSTEP (The Centre for Study of Science, Technology and Policy), a research firm in Bangalore. I conceptualized the game flow and game logic, and a framework that could be used to develop other training games. The concept was implemented by me on the CryENGINE 3; a game engine, to create a playable prototype/demo of the game.
Responder 108 - Garuda Mall visualized on Maya - Responder 108 was my diploma project undertaken in conjunction with CSTEP (The Centre for Study of Science, Technology and Policy), a research firm in Bangalore. I conceptualized the game flow and game logic, and a framework that could be used to develop other training games. The concept was implemented by me on the CryENGINE 3; a game engine, to create a playable prototype/demo of the game.
Responder 108 - Charting the game's elements - Responder 108 was my diploma project undertaken in conjunction with CSTEP (The Centre for Study of Science, Technology and Policy), a research firm in Bangalore. I conceptualized the game flow and game logic, and a framework that could be used to develop other training games. The concept was implemented by me on the CryENGINE 3; a game engine, to create a playable prototype/demo of the game.
Responder 108 - Charting inter-Actor communication importance and frequency - Responder 108 was my diploma project undertaken in conjunction with CSTEP (The Centre for Study of Science, Technology and Policy), a research firm in Bangalore. I conceptualized the game flow and game logic, and a framework that could be used to develop other training games. The concept was implemented by me on the CryENGINE 3; a game engine, to create a playable prototype/demo of the game.
Responder 108 - Example of a Mission Flow and Logic that would lead to achievements and a score. - Responder 108 was my diploma project undertaken in conjunction with CSTEP (The Centre for Study of Science, Technology and Policy), a research firm in Bangalore. I conceptualized the game flow and game logic, and a framework that could be used to develop other training games. The concept was implemented by me on the CryENGINE 3; a game engine, to create a playable prototype/demo of the game.
Responder 108 - Heads-Up Display Visualization - Responder 108 was my diploma project undertaken in conjunction with CSTEP (The Centre for Study of Science, Technology and Policy), a research firm in Bangalore. I conceptualized the game flow and game logic, and a framework that could be used to develop other training games. The concept was implemented by me on the CryENGINE 3; a game engine, to create a playable prototype/demo of the game.
Responder 108 - Set Layout on the CryENGINE 3 - Responder 108 was my diploma project undertaken in conjunction with CSTEP (The Centre for Study of Science, Technology and Policy), a research firm in Bangalore. I conceptualized the game flow and game logic, and a framework that could be used to develop other training games. The concept was implemented by me on the CryENGINE 3; a game engine, to create a playable prototype/demo of the game.
Responder 108 - Set Layout on the CryENGINE 3 - Responder 108 was my diploma project undertaken in conjunction with CSTEP (The Centre for Study of Science, Technology and Policy), a research firm in Bangalore. I conceptualized the game flow and game logic, and a framework that could be used to develop other training games. The concept was implemented by me on the CryENGINE 3; a game engine, to create a playable prototype/demo of the game.
Game Design
Hari Shankar
Sole Proprietor at HSD&C New Delhi, India