Octopus Shower - Stimulate child development through everyday activities. Bath device that changes the bath experience into a fun activity while enhancing the child's motor skill development. It easily connects to the shower head with a plastic hose; suction cups in the base prevent from slipping. Its flexible material allows pliability for easy storage and packaging.
School Furniture - The project consisted in creating design opportunities for developing countries. In this case school furniture was developed using sustainable materials such as rice hulls. This creates potential for the development of the countries economy as they develop new products using their own natural resources.
Luggage Identification Device - Luggage security and identification device: For public transportation users who deal with luggage security and identification and are looking for customized secure luggage. Unlike several approaches like name tags and locks this reusable device will offer a service for both traveler and airport airline at a reasonable low price, making the activity more efficient and enjoyable.
Collection and Transportation of Waste Solids - This system was designed for the collection and transportation of waste solids for The University of Los Andes. Its purpose was to ease and improve the current activity to the employee, as well as to help in the separation of waste solids for future recycling, making the activity more efficient and less harmful.
Light Design - Active participation in the conception and development of Makoa Diseno, design firm oriented to the creation and design of lighting solutions for house and office utilization. The lights were made using recycled paper, different types of wood and metal structures. The collection of lights was named after different geographic regions in Colombia.