Fresh -- Cooler and Shower

Most of us love the beach, a sort of paradise where the sun always shines, love the simple leisure time and freedom to do nothing. However, many “beach tours” were not as comfortable as it was supposed to be. People still struggle in cleaning their restroom and cars after their sandy journey. People hate the feeling of sand in between their toes and a hands.

Fresh is designed to improve people outdoor experiences and much more! Fresh is a unique product with cooler and shower founction in both. Unlike other products that act simply as a cooler or a outdoor shower on shelves. Fresh is a product about sustainable possibilities in the cycle of using water resources. With a deeply thought behind the product, it maximized both the cooler and the shower’s advantage instead of merging two functions roughly into one product to make it “multifunction”.

Han Tian
Industrial Designer, User Experiencing Explorer Savannah, GA