"Grow Towards the Light"
"Poke(weed)ing Around"
"Bursting With Life" A "Silver Key" individual winner at the Scholastic Art and Writing Awards.
"To Bee or Not to Bee"
"Beauty Exists, Even in the Rain" A "Gold Key" individual winner at the Scholastic Art and Writing Awards.
"Everything Has a Touch of Color"
"Winter Haze" This photo was created by using a "creative hack" where you smear vaseline on the edges of the lens and leave it off of the areas you want in focus.
"Frozen in Time"

This collection of images won a "Silver Key" portfolio award at the Scholastic Art and Writing Awards competition. In addition to the "Silver Key" for the whole collection, I also received a "Silver Key" for my photo entitled "Blowing in the Wind" and a "Gold Key" for "Beauty Exists, Even in the Rain"

Hannah Henderson
Photography Student Peterborough, NH