
My work presented, combines the fluidity of the body, with the solidity of household furniture. My interest concerning the human form led me to consider the body in various ways, centred on movement. I began life-drawing classes whereby my focus began with body shape rather than detailed form.

Subconsciously, I began imagining the body and form in everyday ordinary situations. This fuelled my curiosity to create furniture using the body both for visual and functional objects. I tooled with the idea of gathering recycled furniture from local charity shops and adapting the ready furniture, adding body parts. Having created several sketches and my own designs, combined with the access to various materials and machines in the sculpture room, I did not want the restriction of using ready-made furniture. Thus, I encouraged within myself the challenge of creating furniture from raw materials, as well as focusing on incorporating the body within my designs.

Hannah Gold
Sculpture, Interior Design, Human Anatomy Watford, United Kingdom