The Body Shop - presentation sheet 1 of 2 - This sheet shows the exhibition space that I designed for The BodyShop brand, it also illustrates the materials and colours which are apparent in the stores and the merchandise that they sell ...
A 3dMAX model of a Body Shop exhibition space 1 - This image shows the main entrance to the space, an area to sit and listen to guest lectures, and with stairs that lead to the second level...
A 3dMAX model 2 - this shows the view from the the other side...
A 3dMAX model 3 - this is an overall view of the exhibition space...
A 3d MAX model 4 - showing the area where the viewer/potential customer can learn and interact online, take part in competitions and provide contact details to the Body Shop.
A 3d MAX model 5 - this image indicates the use of other furniture options, these shelve were designed to tie in with the current BodyShop shelving present in their shops.
BodyShop Branding Project
Hannah Walker
Student at University of Glamorgan cardiff, United Kingdom