Gyroclaw - Open-ended footwear design project. Students were encouraged to come up with entirely new sports, and develop footwear tailored for the athletes that would play it. My sport was a mixture of jai-alai, soccer, and gymnastics.Athletes would work in teams, passing a ball to each other with the purpose of taking it to the goal. The twist: The ball is to be carried and passed strictly with your feet, yet the feet cannot touch the floor while the ball is in your possesion. The result: A device similar to a jai-alai claw that attaches to your legs, which opens and closes to allow the ball to go in and out. The athlete would have to generate momentum with techniques similar to gymnastics or breakdancing, such as flares and windmills, and launch the ball by opening the claw with his/her foot.
MP-Dream - An innovative mp3 player with built-in wireless internet capabilities for accessing remote playlists and a radically new interface layout. Designed so that it never has to be removed from your belt clip to view the LCD display.
RISD/MIT AgeLab - An overview of an entire semester studio with the MIT AgeLab. 1) The first phase of the project was on outlining and drawing out a large variety of problems that the elderly face in everyday living. I was assigned to the transportation category, where I tried to visually express some of the present problems. 2) On the second phase, we each chose a more specific area to develop further, and I became interested in elderly diabetics and the unpleasant medical treatment they go through. I began researching the problem and offering solutions. 3) The final project idea, and the final product: An ergonomically friendly injection device that does away with awkward syringes and unnecessary pain, and includes a disposable injection cartridge system and an electronic schedule.