
We decided to focus on two most interesting problems - Storage and Air quality, selected after interviews with the actual users in Europe. We analyised that there is no existing product could answer these two main problems for people who lives in big city with small house.

Our goal is to break through the image of vacuum cleaner by connecting to the language of the home, focus on the air quality and not forget the comfort use. We think a good design should fit into the language of the house.

Hava is a descrite vacuum that can be placed into anywhere in your house, fits into the style of your house. Implementing the air purifier with zero-impact technology, and easy rechargeable docking station.
It has four main style, felt, metal, wood and moss. User can choose any style depend on their house language. With the newest air purifying system, simply using the air flow with three layers of filters, it purifies the air of the house in any time.

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Ha Kwan Wong
Product designer/Graphic designer Hong Kong, Hong Kong