The Sewer System Improvement Program (SSIP) is a 20-year, $6.9 Billion capital project that the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission (SFPUC) has commissioned.
This interactive report magazine documents the achievements and milestones SSIP made in the calendar year of 2015.
The report includes hyperlinks, photo galleries and audio files. Joomag was a perfect solution given the client's budget and Joomag's features.
After this document was published using Joomag, the SFPUC decided to transfer previous publications and use it for all future publications.
SFPUC now talks about online publication efforts and methods as part of its communication efforts.
The Sewer System Improvement Program (SSIP) is a 20-year, $6.9 Billion capital project that the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission (SFPUC) has commissioned.
This interactive report magazine documents the achievements and milestones SSIP made in the calendar year of 2015.
The report includes hyperlinks, photo galleries and audio files. Joomag was a perfect solution given the client's budget and Joomag's features.
After this document was published using Joomag, the SFPUC decided to transfer previous publications and use it for all future publications.
SFPUC now talks about online publication efforts and methods as part of its communication efforts.