A custom paint mask for GM's limited edition engine covers
A picture of the engine cover paint mask mid-application.
A hanging banner for a Shopko back to school sale
A prototype display for a new Fastenal drill bit set. Note that we were not given the product model and I personally recreated the model from scratch.
An early prototype stand for fastenal screws. I designed both stand and packaging.
A display for a Winegard antennae.
Point of Sales design and custom paint masking

While working for modernistic I have worked on various projects, from designing hanging advertisements for Shopko, creating intricate paint masks for GM's engine covers, prototyping point of sale stands for Fastenal, and engineering the bends and folds required to manufacture all sorts of displays. I was the sole engineer working on 3D design and effectively replaced my own position by teaching my coworkers how to engineer and design in Solidworks.
My work was so well received that they continue to use my renderings on their website 4 years later.

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Jake Steffen
Mechanical Engineer and Designer Minneapolis, MN