BIRD OF PARADISE CONTAINER - The main idea behind this project, was to use nature as source of inspiration. After visiting the Brooklyn Botanical Garden, and sketching a whole afternoon, an idea had to derive from any plant. The only restriction was to turn the abtract design in some sort of container. In my case, I was particullary inspired by The Bird of Paradise flower. Besides it great beauty and colorful appareance, what caught my attention, was how the flower pettals are formed.
BIRD OF PARADISE CONTAINER - The main idea behind this project, was to use nature as source of inspiration. After visiting the Brooklyn Botanical Garden, and sketching a whole afternoon, an idea had to derive from any plant. The only restriction was to turn the abtract design in some sort of container. In my case, I was particullary inspired by The Bird of Paradise flower. Besides it great beauty and colorful appareance, what caught my attention, was how the flower pettals are formed.
BIRD OF PARADISE CONTAINER - The main idea behind this project, was to use nature as source of inspiration. After visiting the Brooklyn Botanical Garden, and sketching a whole afternoon, an idea had to derive from any plant. The only restriction was to turn the abtract design in some sort of container. In my case, I was particullary inspired by The Bird of Paradise flower. Besides it great beauty and colorful appareance, what caught my attention, was how the flower pettals are formed.