Mountain Music Lounge CD Cover Entry - Created this for a local radio station's contest... if you'd like, you can vote for it here
mediumBird - A piece I created for my illustration
Poor Rooster Brewing Company
On-Top Realty Brand Refresh - Some proposed logos.
Dynasty Boss Logo - I created this identity for my cousin's fantasy football blog.
The Best Good Time - Wine Label (1/2) - I created this label for Tim Egan's first run of wine. Turned out almost as good as the wine. : )
The Best Good Time - Wine Label (2/2) - I created this label for Tim Egan's first run of wine. Turned out almost as good as the wine. : )
Poor Rooster Brewing Co. Label - Summer Porter - Finished the label for the first Poor Rooster Brewing Co. beer...'Summer Porter.'
Jacob Greif
Illustrator & Designer Seattle, WA