ihome + studio app
ihome + studio app
study model
study model
study model
study model
study model
final model process
final model process
final model process
final model process
final model process
final model process
final model process
final model process
final model
final model front
final model back
final model side
ihome ip1, released following the design submission
what would jesus play?
ihome eq

The design of the iHome eQ is centered around professional studio quality sound as well as the DJ experience. eQ is an app-enhanced product with the integration of the iHome+Studio app, which is the simplest, most straight forward way to mix tracks and create playlists both on the go and in the home.

iHome eQ was designed for SDI Technologies, who sponsored the project, to fit within their current iHome product line. It looks to have served as inspiration for their iP1 model, released following the design submission.

Greg Sundermann
Strategy & Operations, Product/Project Manager New York, NY