Microsoft Office 2008 themes - Microsoft Office 2008 for Mac course artwork. Objective of course is to describe themes and show that they can be used in all of the Office applications to create coordinated output.
Microsoft Entourage 2008 calendar illustration - Visual representation of the Microsoft Entourage Calendar. Created as a visual to eliminate localization.
Microsoft Entourage 2008 information bar - Illustration created to highlight the information bar. Created as artwork rather than a screen capture to eliminate localization needs.
Microsoft Entourage security - Illustration of Microsoft Entourage security dialog box.
Microsoft Entourage 2008 synching illustration - Microsoft Office 2008 for Mac course artwork. Course opening art for a training course on the synching capabilities of Entourage. iPods and cell phone are drawn items.
Microsoft PowerPoint 2008 media items - Microsoft Office 2008 for Mac course artwork. Course objective is to explain all of the different types of media that you can add to a PowerPoint presentation.
Microsoft Word 2008 styles - Microsoft Office 2008 for Mac course artwork. Illustration shows the relationship between different styles on the Styles palette and the application within a document.
Microsoft Excel 2008 pivot table - Microsoft Office 2008 for Mac course artwork. Overall course message is how pivot table data works. This illustration shows that the same data can be viewed in 3 different relationships using pivot tables.
Microsoft Word 2008 mail merge - Microsoft Office 2008 for Mac course artwork. Objective of course is to explain mail merge. A spreadsheet is used as a data source to create customized messages automatically.
Microsoft Office 2008 tools - Microsoft Office 2008 for Mac course artwork. Illustration shows different tools introduced to the application suite.
Office 2008 art