For this project I took a free font, PortagoITC TT as a base font.
Potato Stamping - technique I used to create typeface.I printed the font out and tried my best to carve the same shapes on the potatoes. To maintain the artistic nature of my experiment I did not transfer the characters but carved while just looking at the font.
The font was modified and reproduced by potato stamping!
Then the characters were rasterized and turned into ttf font. This is the poster.
The sticker.
Antiwar Poster - Typographic Experiment.

The goal of the project was to create anti-war activist poster and a sticker. The purpose of this project was to explore the emotive qualities of typography and how the form of letters can aid the communicative capacity. I chose to reproduce my title font, PortagoITC TT (free), by means of potato stamping! To maintain the artistic nature of my experiment I did not transfer the characters but carved while just looking at the font.

Elena Novinskiy
Graphic Designer Milton, Canada