Exercise 1 - I used an rectangular marquee and deleted numerous parts of the picture following the cage holding the animal.
Exercise 2 - I used the elliptical marquee to copy different images in the picture and pasted them around to compliment the picture.
Exercise 3 - I used an elliptical marquee to isolate a portion of the image and using the transforming tool, upped it to 200% and pasted the image to give the shell kind of like a double spiral going in to the middle.
Exercise 4 - Using an elliptical marquee and the transform tool, rotated and enlarged and pasted the images around his eyes to give him an interesting look.
Exercise 5 - Using a rectangular marquee, I selected different portions of the picture and used the filter tool to give this field of flowers kind of a quilt look.
Exercise 6 - Using an elliptical marquee, I chose a dice from the original picture, increased the file width by 10, then pasted the picture 10 times rotating 10 degrees from left to right giving it a motion feel to it.
Exercise 7 - Using the crop tool, I cropped the image, rotated it to give it a more interesting look to the original picture.
Exercise 8 - In this exercise I used both the rectangular and the elliptical marquee to add my own ornaments to the tree.
VC 100 Week 1
Chris Buck
Chris Buck Salt Lake City, UT