Advanced Techniques In Photo Editing, Graphics & Publishing with Digital Marketing Explorations

This book will be launched soon to cushion the negative effects of Covid-19 pandemic as the book purchasers will automatically qualify for the online practical training without paying for the huge training fee. The most fortunate thing about the book is that it is meant for everybody - young business investor who wants to use the techniques to boost and promote his/her brand and product or established business owner who wants to go digital in reaching out to its clients and boost its products. It is good for brand manager, event planner, digital photographer, commercial printer, graphic/web designer, corporate affair manager, business investors, to enhance the productivity and value-added capacity of employers in an organization and lots more. The book has a multi-faceted applications to boost businesses in all ramifications.

Freelance, Full-time
Graphic Head Company
Logo design, Graphic Design, Signage Fabrication, Branding & Printing Lagos, Nigeria