Kathleen Sullivan Consulting — Logo Design
Kathleen Sullivan Consulting — Calling Cards (2-sided)
Kathleen Sullivan Consulting — Calling Card Artwork (2-sided)
Kathleen Sullivan Consulting — Powerpoint Template core slide layouts
Kathleen Sullivan Consulting — Email Signature
Kathleen Sullivan Consulting — e-Letterhead
Corporate Branding for Kathleen Sullivan Consulting

Kathleen Sullivan Consulting in Ottawa Canada engaged Grafik Essentials to design corporate branding. We feel we've captured Kathleen's strength, which is critical thinking.

Grafik Essentials designed their calling card, Powerpoint template, e-letterhead template and email signature. Kathleen's reaction to the finished calling card, "I love them. The printers were really impressed with the design."

Kathleen Sullivan is a respected public affairs professional based in Ottawa, Canada. She develops sustainable and practical solutions to complex policy and regulatory issues affecting companies and not-for-profit organizations. Kathleen has represented her clients’ interests in domestic federal/provincial policy circles and also in support of Canada’s major trade deals including the Canada-Europe Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA), the WTO Doha Development Round and the Trans- Pacific Partnership.

Judy Weinberg
Graphic Designer and President, Grafik Essentials Inc. Toronto, Canada