Recipe Booklet The Dessert Tray. A title page meant to have the feel of a diner and opens up for the inner book with the constraining bars that become a design element throughout the rest of the book.
The decision to stitch the border of the band, was to give a more home cooking feel. Stitching the border, again, toned down the boldness of the overall book. The same reasoning to use a script typeface (Lobster) in contrast to the bold Zag titles.
A band used as packaging. Take this off before opening the booklet.
Rounded corners complement the rounded qualities that the typeface (Zag) has. This rounded corners theme is repeated in the constraining lines as well. This detail also counter acts the heaviness of the Zag typeface.
The texture used in the titles throughout the three spreads were to give an extra element dealing with cooking. The texture is meant to mimic flour. As you will see, this theme was elabrated with how I displayed the booklet.
Type is used as a design element, not just something to read. The titles serve as massive gutters that separate the instruction columns form the direction columns.
The little details is what conclude this booklet. The tabs you pull to untie the band are slices of cake/pie.
The Dessert Tray

A dessert recipe booklet. Created for a typography class.

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Grace Bresenham
Student at Savannah College of Art and Design Madison, WI