Foragers first draft - This is the first page of my Foragers comic. It isn't the final look though. Just thought I'd put this draft up so I could see what else I want to do to it before the final outcome. Maybe some color version will be made also.
Inside cover Page with Jo-Jo - The inside cover page featuring the main character Jo-Jo!
Foragers Cover - Here we have a different version of the cover
Foragers "What About Barfy?" - Cover for second issue of Forager comic
First Foragers pages - pg 12 of the comic! My favorite part! I'm getting the last frame tattood on me! he! He!
First Foragers pages - page 2 of the crazy animal comic! Weet!
Foragers page 6 - this is where the farm animals get mad!
Foragers page 3 - the fine lives of the cute, little, furry, fun guinea pig Jo-Jo and the rabbits.
Dragonfly Flow - The back cover of the second Foragers issue. It is a foreshadowing of future happenings in the continueing tales.
foragers inside cover 2 - explaining what is going on between Foragers 1 and 2. Characters Jo-Jo, Shylo, Sally and Max. Many things going on.
Foragers2 Page 2 - Fun experimenting with pentel pens and crayons. I kinda like how this comic sunset happened.