De La Soul Poster - A modern twist to Hatch Show Print style.
De La Soul Poster - A modern twist to Hatch Show Print style.
Mazu De No Sensoo Poster - A promo poster for my side project, The War on Mars. Silk screened 18" x 24" on French Butcher paper.
Mazu De No Sensoo Poster - A promo poster for my side project, The War on Mars. Silk screened 18" x 24" on French Butcher paper.
Jackie Greene Poster - A nice modern twist to Hatch Show Print, with Americana spice, and a dash of Tsuji.
Jackie Greene Poster - A nice modern twist to Hatch Show Print, with Americana spice, and a dash of Tsuji.
Gordon Tsuji
Graphic Designer & Friend San Francisco, CA