The Donnas & OkGo - Before they hit it big with their crazy videos, OkGo came to the University Union. I knew they were gonna see their name in lights one day, but I just couldn't wait. I built this bad-boy with foam core, posterboard, hot glue, spray mount, christmas lights, and the surgical precision of an x-acto knife.
The Donnas & OkGo - Before they hit it big with their crazy videos, OkGo came to the University Union. I knew they were gonna see their name in lights one day, but I just couldn't wait. I built this bad-boy with foam core, posterboard, hot glue, spray mount, christmas lights, and the surgical precision of an x-acto knife.
X2 lobby display - This is a unique 3 dimensional billboard, something the University Union became known for. Bigger is better in this case. We used the largest piece of foam core possible, 8 feet long! Bevel cut edges, spray painted and hung 30 feet down from a skylight. Building it was easy, hanging it properly was the hard part.
X2 lobby display - This is a unique 3 dimensional billboard, something the University Union became known for. Bigger is better in this case. We used the largest piece of foam core possible, 8 feet long! Bevel cut edges, spray painted and hung 30 feet down from a skylight. Building it was easy, hanging it properly was the hard part.
My Big Fat Greek Wedding - One Big Cake for One Big Movie! This was made out of paper, glue and foam core. As you can see, I can build just about anything.
Phlagleblast lobby display - This was a huge 3 dimensional display to advertise our annual open house.
Phlagleblast lobby display - This was a huge 3 dimensional display to advertise our annual open house. *His thumb sways back and forth!!!
Phlagleblast lobby display - This was a huge 3 dimensional display to advertise our annual open house.
Gordon Tsuji
Graphic Designer & Friend San Francisco, CA