Gandalf and the Balrog - The Lord of the Rings - Tolkien
Thungur - Character design from the books "Saga of the Borderlands: Days of the Fire".
Photoshop CS3 + Wacom Cintiq
Arriving Fertile Lands - Cover illustration for the books "Saga of the Borderlands: Days of the Stag".
Photoshop CS3 + Wacom Cintiq
Kupuka. - Character design from the books "Saga of the Borderlands: Days of the Fire".
Photoshop CS3 + Wacom Cintiq
Book Cover. "Saga of the borderlands: Days of the Shadow" - Cover Illustration for the books "Saga of the Borderlands: Days of the Shadow".
Photoshop CS3 + Wacom Cintiq
Warrior's Prayer - Personal Project.
Photoshop CS3 + Wacom Cintiq.
Acila - Character design from the books "Saga of the Borderlands: Days of the Fire".
Photoshop CS3 + Wacom Cintiq
Ashes and Blood - CD Cover Illustration. Luthien's "Ahes and Blood" album.
Photoshop CS3 + Wacom Cintiq
Lion_O Concept Design - Personal Charater design
Preamble Storm - CD Cover Illustration. Luthien's "Preamble Storm" album.
Photoshop CS3 + Wacom Cintiq
Drimus - Character design from the books "Saga of the Borderlands".
Photoshop CS3 + Wacom Cintiq
Character design
Cd Cover Illustration.
Sélidor 2000.
Color pencils