GIUSEPPE DI SOMMA - Giuseppe Di Somma is a designer, he teaches in Polimoda Institute and Faculty of Architecture of Florence. As product designer he works for such companies as Steel by Molteni e Molteni, Nichibei Japan, Perry Ellis America, Crunch New York, Alessi, ... He has been awarded numerous prizes and his work has been exhibited. He is appeared magazines and books internationally. He was inclusion in the MoMa Encyclopedia of Design.
BUUU!!! - Textures for roll-on MI-TO collection. Nichibei CO. Ltd Tokyo Japan
TERAS and BETTY BOOP - TERAS in Milan A new fantastic episode in the magic of the years '50 from the alight and conflicted colors. This time is told the history of a deforming I travel in the detective story, solar color for excellence and antistress. Teras is a scenario phantasmagoric of action and feeling, of forms and colors, beatific and playful, it is an exciting experience. The world of the infancy, it of the fantastic is the desire of return children, locate in a cinematic film where "Money" tries to seduce Dick Tracy. BETTY BOOP in Florence Is the first local frequented of stars cartoons! “W the cartoons, the reign of the impossible but plausible”(Walt Disney). The night turns into a comic strip, stealing gavoy colors from Mickey, Minnie, and Donald Duck, and plunges into the magic of an american comic classic, it’s a dream from a great motion picture.The tables, gigantic colorful flowers, or slices of swiss cheese, or uneven tables where it seems impossible not to spill or overturn plates and glass. It’s an amusing tribute to the world of the comic strip where nothing was produced, only schetched, where the signs resemble comics strip graphics, where colors intentionally go out of bounds, where it is possible to find Disney characters roaming about the tables. This project divides in four rooms with four fantastic stories. The entrace which takes you to this fantasy world, you’ll recognize it immediately, two enormous O’s that remind you of double o in cartOOn. The two purple O’s superimposed on two green doors, symbolize the apple which the witch offerd to Snow White, go aheabeckoning her to enter: AHEAD TAKE A BITE, YOU WON’T REGRET IT?
BILICO - Lamp, Alluminia by Oceano Oltreluce. Milano
Salotto teeria aromathic - SALOTTO: TEATIME. project Giuseppe Di Somma and Luciano Scali When you taste some food, senses are stimulated to express their judgement, giving a unique pleasure, for body and spirit. For to give you this pleasure "Salotto" borne: teahouse, coffeehouse and aromatic chocolate house. Located in Empoli, Tuscany. Oriental smells and light-full colored spices mesh together to develop an idea that mixes old tradition with new atmospheres. It's a timeless place, where to relax the spirit. Etc…
Giuseppe Di Somma
INDIPENDENT DESIGNER and professor at Polimoda Firenze, Italy