Social Barge-Housing - ARCASIA

ARCASIA Students’ Architectural Design Competition 2017
Theme: Water and Architecture

November 2017
Status | 3rd Prize (Bronze Medal)
Asia | International

One of two finalists (selected by IAI) that represent Indonesia. The panels will be showcased at the 38th ARCASIA Council Meeting, Kathmandu, Nepal in November 2017

In collaboration with:
Dahlia Lubis
Diandra Indiraputri Trisna
Ahmad Shafy Allam
Baskoro Winarno

National Jury:
Hendrajaya Isnaeni, IAI
Budi Pradono, IAI
Satrio S. Herlambang, IAI

International Jury:
Ar. John Joseph Fernandez, Chairman ACAE – Head Juror
Ar. Nuno Soares, VP Zone C ARCASIA
Ar. Sannah Ejaz, Honorary Treasurer ARCASIA
Ar. Tan Szue Hann, Chairman ACYA
Ar. Ramiz Baig, Honorary Secretary ARCASIA – Competition Convener

Giovanni R Tyashadi
Architecture student Bandung, Indonesia