Green Movies - PROJECT GOAL: To create an identity using graphic representation and color .
Corporate Identity - Products for Green Movie
COVER DESIGN - BOOK COVERS; HENRY MILLER SERIES: The ideal was to create a consistent use of imagery (Daniel Sergile photography) and color to capture to feel of Henry Miller controversial books. I also used hand generated type as to capture the aspect of personal stories, which is the stylistic matter in which the books are written.
BOOK SPREAD - BOOK SPREAD; HENRY MILLER SERIES: The ideal was to create a consistent use of imagery (Daniel Sergile photography) and color to capture to feel of Henry Miller controversial books. I also used hand generated type as to capture the aspect of personal stories, which is the stylistic matter in which the books are written.
SELF PORTRAITS/ PHOTOGRAPHY - The Self Portrait series are a series of self portraits of normal people combined with random information about there childhood. The ideal was to capture to parts of a persons life (who they are and who they were) to create and entirely new perspective on what the image is about. I wanted the images to be objective allowing the viewer freedom to create an ideal of there own. ACTUAL SIZE 22 inch by 34 inch