The table is composed by a frame and nine wood modular elements. The concept was focused on a research on solid wood complex processing, like cnc machining and milling. The structure, the square tiles and the legs of the table are realized in ash solid wood. Some steel rods connect the plan with the legs, helping to unload the weights.
Every module has the same dimensions, but a different processing. Every tile has a surface of pits and plans, with a specific function. Here there are some examples, but the possibilities are limited only by the user's creativity. versatility is a fundamental part of this project. The user, in function of his necessities, can interact with the tiles, for creating his own configurations. This square elements can be moved, changed, rotated, to create personalized surfaces.
APOLLO: customisable coffee table

Apollo is a coffee table for contemporary living.
The hybrid nature of this kind of furniture has been the starting point of this project. We wanted to allow the user to personalize and change his table, following his necessities and expectations.

Giacomo Klein
Design & Engineering Milano, Italy