Concept: Traditional Chinese Art, Circle, Brown. Design: The logo is using the restaurant name with the traditional Chinese art pattern to represent the Chinese cuisine. And the meaning circle is “full”. Brown means the wheat of noodles.
Concept: Chinese window pattern, Square, Reddish wooden red. Design: A window is adapted is to represent “restaurant ??”, to show customers this is a place to have a rest. The color of Reddish wooden red is representing the Chinese cuisine.
Concept: Seal, Red, mixture of square and circle. Design: With using the mixture of square and circle means “??” full and prosperous. To show the exclusive feeling with using the seal design.
Concept: Typo, Noodle, Dumpling, Red. Design: This logo is showing directly with the name of the restaurant, noodle and dumpling pattern design.
NORTH Restaurants logo

NORTH Restaurants logo