Deamon Tiger - These items were designed for the SuperPoke! Pets' Halloween Creation Contest and they are based on Slide's SuperPoke Pets characters
Clock-pork Orange - These items were designed for the SuperPoke! Pets' Halloween Creation Contest and they are based on Slide's SuperPoke Pets characters
Monkey Krueger - These items were designed for the SuperPoke! Pets' Halloween Creation Contest and they are based on Slide's SuperPoke Pets characters
Sheep Reaper - WINNER These items were designed for the SuperPoke! Pets' Halloween Creation Contest and they are based on Slide's SuperPoke Pets characters
Turtle Nailhead - These items were designed for the SuperPoke! Pets' Halloween Creation Contest and they are based on Slide's SuperPoke Pets characters
Lamp - These items were designed for the SuperPoke! Pets' Halloween Creation Contest and they are based on Slide's SuperPoke Pets characters
SuperPoke Pets Halloween Creation Contest
Ghmerarí -
DI Mexico City, Mexico