We began the project as a team by researching into problems due to water related issues. Areas that we looked into were: dangers in the kitchen, safety in swimming pools, providing water for third world countries and even products that already use water that need developing and we think could be better. As a group we can to the decision that looking into dangers in the kitchen was a really good topic to go for as there aren't that many products out there that solve the many issues we get when in the kitchen. We came up with an idea for developing a safer saucepan design for cooking in the kitchen, as statistically one of the most common causes of injury in the kitchen is burns from hot water.
After developing hundreds of different concepts for a new, safer saucepan design we started creating a much more detailed design on Solidworks (CAD). Tribius, the name of our saucepan has been designed so that you minimize the potentially risks of burning yourself in the kitchen before and after cooking. It does this by letting all the water out at the bottom through the base, the water drains through the colander into the pan and by releasing the clips attaching the pan and the base together by the handles at the top, the base falls from the bottom letting the water go out into your sink in a much safer, controlled way.
Tribius - Water Project

The Water Project - Design a product that is either a new invention or a developed existing product that relates in some way to water.

George Lawford
Student Bournemouth, United Kingdom