Pre 16 GCSE (Graphic Communications) Pre 16 GCSE (Graphic Communications) from George Burgess Pre 16 GCSE (Graphic Communications) Collection of work I created during my GCSE Graphic Communications. These Include my Exam Piece and Portfolio Piece The London Co. Branding Project (GCSE Graphic Communications) : Ai+Ps The London Co. Branding Project (GCSE Graphic Communications) : Ai+Ps The London Co. Branding Project (GCSE Graphic Communications) : Ai+Ps Cliffhanger Movie Poster ( GCSE Graphic Communications Exam) : Ai+Ps gLike Pre 16 GCSE (Graphic Communications) Collection of work I created during my GCSE Graphic Communications. These Include my Exam Piece and Portfolio Piece Game Design Branding & Corporate Identity Gaming Share R 7 n George Burgess Freelance Designer Wolverhampton, United Kingdom Follow Contact