• TITLE: Promotional Website for a Beauty Product Line • TYPE: Navigation Menu • ROLE: Animation • TECHNOLOGY: Flash
• TITLE: Promotional Website for a Beauty Product Line • TYPE: Splash Page • ROLE: Art Direction + Graphic Design + Animation + Programming • TECHNOLOGY: Flash (ActionScript) + Photoshop + XHTML/CSS + JavaScript + PHP • DESCRIPTION: The business owner proposed setting a 3D-rendered logo against the Manhattan skyline. I designed and built the entire site except for the intro animation, which I art directed. Since the 3D modeler was located overseas, storyboards and mock-ups were crucial in order for us to stay on the same page.
• TITLE: Promotional Website for a Beauty Product Line • TYPE: Static Flash • ROLE: Art Direction + Graphic Design + Animation • TECHNOLOGY: Flash + Photoshop + Illustrator + InDesign • DESCRIPTION: This comprehensive layout is the last frame of an intro animation resulting from my collaboration with a 3D modeler. My job was to art direct the 3D animation, import the rendered movie into Flash, and build the rest of the page. Parallax scrolling, panning effects and fullscreen alignment were done in ActionScript.
• TITLE: Online Gallery for a Fashion Brand • TYPE: Dynamic Flash • ROLE: Art Direction + Graphic Design + Animation • TECHNOLOGY: Photoshop + Flash + InDesign + Visio
• TITLE: Fashion Blog • TYPE: Blog • ROLE: Art direction + Header & Background Design • TECHNOLOGY: WordPress + Illustrator + Photoshop + CSS • DESCRIPTION: In working with our illustrator, a collage was put together in Photoshop along with verbal instructions for a tight control of the header background elements. Shading for each element was adjusted in Illustrator during post-production in order to establish a clear visual hierarchy.
• TITLE: Online Store of a Beauty Product • TYPE: E-Commerce • ROLE: Graphic Design (Comprehensive Layout) • TECHNOLOGY: Photoshop
• TITLE: Online Dating Site • TYPE: E-Commerce • ROLE: Graphic Design (Comprehensive Layout) • TECHNOLOGY: Photoshop • DESCRIPTION: The client asked for a subtle “romantic” palette … so I chose pastel hues and translucency.
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Gene Kimm
User-Centered Designs with Visual Appeal New York, NY