Product poster of WIKE - The Wash Bike with the creators showing its use and a list of its various advantages and benefits provided.
A front three quarter view of the WIKE in use.
Determining the best ergonomic shape for the frame where the user is to be seated during operation.
Fabrication of the frame where the user is seated.
The washing enclosure with the washing drum fitted inside it. Space for inserting and removing clothes is provided with a gap in the circularly placed PVC pipes.
Finishing up with paint to boost the aesthetic value of the project and properly develop it as a consumer product with a thematic finish.
The WIKE ready to be used in a hostel washing space. A typical load is indicated in the picture.
Loading of the WIKE into the washing drum.
Water is easily filled into the washing enclosure by using the pipe provided at a tap of running water. No weight lifting of buckets of water required.
A view of the WIKE in a typical user environment.
Article about the WIKE published in The New Indian Express, Chennai Edition, on August 27th, 2013.
Article about the WIKE published in The Deccan Herald, Bangalore Edition.
WIKE - The Wash Bike

WIKE - The Wash Bike is a "green" concept aimed at situations where electricity and water are in scarce supply or it is simply too expensive to use a commercial washing machine. WIKE is a pedal powered washing machine that uses ZERO electricity and up to 60% less water than typical washing machines. Being able to enjoy a healthy lifestyle with the regular use of the WIKE as an exercise bike is an added benefit of the product.