Because this company was website based, the work began with designing a logo that would easily transfer from digital meda to printed collateral. Anything too detailed didn't fit the need of the company. I focused more on a simplistic logo that would not only encompass the creativity of the target audience, but of the nature and tradition of designing coolers.
Initially, we began playing with more realistic color schemes to identify the sunsetting over the water. However, anything too complicated (ie gradients) would not do.
The is the website design (prior to adding the logo). The focus was to create a creative, playful atmosphere where users could upload their own creations while enjoy others.
Formal Season Branding & Identity

Formal Season is a website based company that allows users to upload their own designed coolers, sharing their creations, while ranking, voting on, and sharing others.

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Garrett Osepchuk
Graphic Designer/Project Manager Greensboro, NC