Saint Margaret Mary 2012-13 theme. “You are the LIght of the World.”
Several symbol designs 4/c process only. Final symbol chosen in two formats at bottom. Created in Adobe Illustrator.

Design project exploring possible logos for Saint Margaret Mary Church.
The slogan of the parish is “The Parish with Heart” as SMM was devoted to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Heart symbolism was carried throughout each concept.

KOCO-TV - Identity

Station identity: Transportation - Television station identity: transportation application

Heart Health Wellness

Fun in DuPage - Logo for summer activities guide/Daily Herald

Harmony Hills - Equestrian Academy

Resource One - Financial. Early 1980’s.

The Velvet Dove - Gourmet Restaurant.
Early 1980’s.

Seatbelt Safety - Campaign for child seatbelt safety.
Oklahoma Dept. of Public Safety

Reaching for the Sky - Vo-Tech school launch for aviation center.

Oklahoma is Chevyland - Oklahoma Chevrolet Dealers Advertising Association.
Approx. 1983.

Original Automobile Badge and Remake - Kline Automobile Badge Remake

Benet Academy - 2-color logo

Bucklin - Heavy Equipment