Comclark Corporate Profile Jacket Design - 2008 new branding for comclark network and technology corporation
Comclark Corporate Profile inside jacket
Comclark Corporate Profile insert
Comclark Corporate Profile insert 2
Comclark Corporate Profile insert 3
Confucius Institute - Brochure for the Confucius Institute of Manila, produced for distribution in the last world conference they joined
COMSTECH rebrand studies -WIP
COMSTECH rebrand studies -WIP
COMSTECH rebrand studies -WIP
COMSTECH rebrand studies -WIP
RockEd's Rockbayan Concert Poster/Banner
Return to Galilee Retreat poster
XSDWTL Grand Mass 2008 - Poster for a an event in Xavier School. Art Direction, layout and Photo Manipulation.
BLOGBERRY student planner - Comissioned work. Planner design for BlogBerry by Stradmore notes
starvalue ad
design for print
Galvin Radley L....
Visual Communications Designer Quezon City, Philippines