Electric Toaster - An appliance that bends forward to meet the user's hand for convenience.
Hand Mixer
Blender concepts - Design proposals for an Orient manufacturer developing products for the South American market.
Blender concepts - Design proposals for an Orient manufacturer developing products for the South American market.
Blender concepts - Design proposals for an Orient manufacturer developing products for the South American market.
Blender concepts
Industrial Dehumidifier concept sketches - Concept ideation for sheet metal dehumidifiers; units to be used in a warehouse/factory environment.
Dehumidifier concepts - Illustrator color renders for sheet metal units.
Dehumidifier concepts - Illustrator color renders for sheet metal units.
Dehumidifier concepts - Illustrator color renders for sheet metal units.
Electric Appliances

Design for a toaster applying ergonomic considerations where the front bends down towards the user's hand, exposing the corner of the toasted item to avoid an over-hand approach to the toaster. The goal is to prevent full exposure of the user's hand to rising heat above the toaster.

Freelance, Full-time, Moonlighting
Gabriel Parker
Bachelor of Science in Industrial Design Miami, FL