Self portrait with Quote. This was done in Photoshop. I took three pictures and layered them on top of a background picture. I adjusted each layer's value levels and vibrance. Lastly I added the quote I live by.
Chicago Artist Month poster. I traced out my design in Adobe Illustrator. Then used a soft brush tool to color it in. Last I added the text using the text tool.
Product bottle for body oil. Front label arranged and edited in Photoshop and Illustrator. Back label done in Illustrator.
Product box for body oil. Picture done in Photoshop and box done in Illustrator.
Thorne Catalog cover page done in InDesign.
Thorne Catalog spread done in InDesign.
Thorne Catalog spread 2 done in InDesign.
No name work in progress made in Illustrator and Photoshop
Digital works

These are my digital works done in Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesign.

Gabrielle Solomon
Digital Illustrator Chicago, IL