Modular fridge for Balay (Bosch): Versa - 4 months, 6 people team project, 1999 Create your fridge! BRIEF: Detailed design of a fridge in collaboration with Balay (Bosch) and make prototypes of 2 accessories. CONCEPT:When you create something, you feel you’re expressing yourself and want to show it to others. What you create will be part of yourself, it will be like a personal statement. With Versa you have the possibility to create your own fridge. It’s so customisable that it becomes a highly personal item.
Ultralight plane: Le_vol - 4 months, 4 people team project,2003 Did you ever dream of flying? BRIEF: Detailed design of the trike of an ultralight pendular plane (ulm) CONCEPT:Did you ever hear of the myth of Icarus? He wanted to fulfil the eternal dream of mankind. He wanted to fly and he made himself wax wings but these melted with the heat. History is full of people who dreamt of flying like birds. Now we can fly with planes, but it’s not how we dreamt of flying. We didn’t dream of being isolated from nature and landscape in our flight. This plane is so minimal you can fuse with nature and landscape, you feel you’re flying on your own…But you can be sure “your wings won’t melt” because it’s a safe plane.
Folding Handle of a cooking pan - 15h individual project, 2005 BRIEF: Design of a folding handle for a cooking pan CONCEPT: I did it inside a selection procedure for a design studio in Barcelona. I wanted to get to a solution that would seem simple and logic. I came up with a solution that I found very interesting, as it didn’t change the shape of the pan and looked very simple. MATERIALS: Bakelite
Educational bath toy for babies: Mr. Smiley - 1 month individual project, 2002 A natural way to grow learning BRIEF: Design of a child water toy CONCEPT: Have you ever seen a baby having a bath? Have you felt the warm atmosphere of that moment and its relaxing smell? Do you remember that magic instant of child and parent link, when the child’s mind is like a sponge and absorbs everything? This water toy will help the baby learn naturally in that relaxing and familiar environment. To use inside the bathtub by babies from 12 to 24 months old. This water toy feeds the curiosity of the baby and helps improve the baby’s spatial and formal concepts. MATERIALS: Soft foam of expanded polystyrene with not porous surface.
Corner lamp: Gaz - 4 months individual project, 1998 Can you touch light? BRIEF: Design a small corner lamp and make a functional prototype. CONCEPT: Inspired by the uncertain physical state of light: material or immaterial? This lamp evokes this uncertainty as a reference to a transition from solid tangible state to gas intangible state, where materiality and immateriality merge. The use of the exterior space as an inner space of the lamp shows the forever changing nature of light and its shades. This lamp is never the same and changes every time you turn it. You have a different lamp each day! MATERIAL: Aluminium, polypropylene, thermostable resin.