3D Puzzles and 2D puzzles, Paper Craft
965 3D puzzle of the Sistine Chapel
PaperCraft. I just found a cheap 30 degree knife and cutting mat. Gonna try the Papercraft w/o the precut.
I collect coca cola stuff.

3D and 2D puzzles, papercraft, I wanna buy lego technica... I wanna buy airbrush ink... I wanna buy my own red pen again.... I wanna buy my mom an Alessi...

I want to buy more tudongs and baju kurongs... I wanna buy more scarves and hijabs.... I am 3/4 way thru Piano grade 1 piano lessons... karateBlue belt... muai thai..... akido.... and French lessons.... and give jobs to divorcees... orphans.... housewives.....

I need to fund for Pilates (good for posture and strengthens the back and neck muscles).

I need to fund my Shakespeare and Sastera books...

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Freelance, Full-time, Moonlighting
Hafizah Hassan
Designer Singapore