WACOM Rendering - Polaroid SX-70 Land Camera
Holiday Greeting Card
Aerial Harvester - Designed the general aesthetic & personally modeled the Outer Body, Engine Casing, Robotic Arm, & Internal Ribbing. Team Credit: Fadi Sunbar Lowell Jesmer Meredith Gratton Simon Williamson Aytug
STUDIO > Bird Feeder - PS Rendering. This Bird Feeder was specifically designed for the Evening Grossbeak but is Songbird friendly in general. The Evening Grossbeak resides in New Hampshire from November - January. - The roof is sloped and extended outward to prevent snow erosion and resting snow. - Its hopper styled design allows the bird to perch on a wide segmented wooden platform. - The food chamber is easily accessible for re-filling. - About 3 Evening Grossbeaks can comfortably fit on the perch/platform.
Sketch Challenge Topic (Week 1): Headphones
XRAY Glasses - Just for fun, class assignment... more to come!
PS > Futuristic Construction Bot - Objective: Design a futuristic robot inspired by insects (or arachnid). Construction Bot can perform 4 major construction duties: Jackhammer, Drill, Wrecking Ball, and Claw. The other four legs are for mobility.
WACOM Rendering - Wooden Hand Clamp
Jewelry Design - One of many jewelry pieces crafted by Pat Fustino
Renders & Comps
Freelance, Full-time, Moonlighting
Dave Fustino
Industrial Designer Boston, MA