Bassett Hound (Pencil Drawing 11X14) - Basset Hound
Pencil Drawing 11X8.5 - Set of Keys
Personal Mandala (Pencil Drawing 14X11) - Personal Mandala: A compilation of the most important things is ones life. Hands (Artistic ability), Grapes (Heritage), Chrome Bocce Ball with my mirrored image (Family picnic bocce; family), Running Shoes (Fitness and health), Jesus Depiction (faith), Resting Angel (Guardian Angel; deceased loved one), Fountain below the bridge (Water; symbolic of life).
My Love for Art (Pencil Drawing 14X11) - Toy Composition
Heritage (Pencil Drawing 18X24)
Pencil Drawing - Heritage (close-up)
...graphite in my veins
Neptune & Sea Horses (Conte Crayon 11X8.5) - Leonardo Da Vinci's: Neptune and 4 Seahorses.
Lucy In the Sky - Lucy In the Sky W/ Diamonds: - Tangerine trees and marmalade skies, - Kaleidoscope eyes, - Cellophane flowers of yellow and green, - Lucy in the sky with diamonds, - Bridge by the fountain, - Rocking-horse people eat marshmallow pies, - Everyone smiles as you drift past the flowers, - Newspaper taxis appear on the shore, - Climb back with your head in the clouds, - Picture yourself in a train station, - "Paul is dead" (Flower w/o pedals smoking a 'Lucy').
FSA Soccer (Pencil Drawing 14X11) - FSA Soccer
Freelance, Full-time, Moonlighting
Dave Fustino
Industrial Designer Boston, MA