Hudōr Faucet

The problem of living in a big city? Germs, everywhere. On the subway poles. On the door handles. On the table at the local diner. Bacteria is lurking and you can’t escape! But there’s a new futuristic way to wash those hands and it doesn’t involve touching a single thing. Thank goodness.
The Hudor Faucet is a ‘hands-free washing experience’. It uses a motion sensor so there’s no pressing a button or flicking a switch. Users place their hands inside a ring, the hand washer washes those grubby hands – sterilises them with an antibacterial black light, too – and turns off when it detects your hands have been removed.

As a self-confessed germaphobe, I demand that these be placed outside every subway station, everywhere! - Lost At E Minor

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Freelance, Full-time
Fraser Leid
Industrial Designer London, United Kingdom