Apple Watch Eloquent

Apple isn’t in the collaborating business. It’s in the acquiring business. So most of Apple’s fans tend to lose out on some really interesting potential partnerships. Take the Apple watch for instance. We all know Apple hired the best from Burberry and Yves Saint Laurent prior to their watch launch. What you have as a result is an unadulterated Apple experience, which may be good, but Designer Fraser Leid thinks it could be a lot better.

The re-imagined Apple watch features a circular design with a rotating bezel; but that’s just the second most awesome thing about the wearable. The designer envisions some amazing partnerships with the best in the timekeeping business. Rolex, Brietling, Tissot, Tag Heuer, to name a few. Each company would lend their iconic watch faces to the Apple watch’s UI, and would custom design straps to go with their watch faces too. So ultimately what you wear on your wrist is pure Apple on the inside, but a marvellous priceless timepiece on the outside.

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Freelance, Full-time
Fraser Leid
Industrial Designer London, United Kingdom