A small sea creature begging Neptune... This is one of the older illustrations done when I first bought my tablet.
These gangster(?) jellyfish were done for a friend, and ended up printed on a t-shirt, minus the background.
Blackie here started off as a doodle, trying to come to grips with a few new things I wanted to incorporate into my style of illustration - I am quite happy with the outcome.
A concept/tribute to The Legend of Zelda's skull kids - children who got lost in the forest at a young age, and grew up there.
Practicing a sketch and paint style on my tablet. The intention was to get something close to pencil and water colours.
My first real delve into Photoshop. No real idea or concept behind it.
I was trying out different kinds of linework, and this is one of the results.
Oh, Deer God! A silly play on words put into a sketch.
Whitey was done as Blackie's counter-part. I was trying out a kind of bright lighting I didn't have much experience with.
And, as in uffish thought he stood, The Jabberwock, with eyes of flame, Came whiffling through the tulgey wood, And burbled as it came! This was my take on a line from Lewis Carroll's Jabberwocky I drew up, during a class I tutored.
A Calvin and Hobbes joke done for a friend that ended up printed on a t-shirt.
My second attempt at a landscape concept that was a little more on the realistic side. The landscape is The Qaf, from the book The Dark Shore.
Raster Illustration Practice

An ever expanding collection of my favorite illustrations done on my own time as practice. A lot of them have some kind of small backstory or joke behind them. Others are based off books or games.

Francois Swart
Digital Illustrator Wilderness, South Africa