SketchUp image. Rendering based on breakout area in offices of American Express, Brighton.
Rendering in Veras, web app, most recent release. All objects have same textureless look. I've found that even in multiple runs, which might differ in some ways, and even if location of finishes more accurate, the "textureless" aspect will not change.
Second example is sofa in law firm, which I first rendered last year. This raw image was processed in an original Veras release .9.5.0. Notice the subtle, sophisticated texture on couch; very photorealistic. I used this release instead of other releases, right up until release 1.4.
Release 1.5.0, November 2023. With introduction of the new engine 5, accuracy improved and photorealism is still pretty good. Release 1.5.0 is the last release in which that is true.
Release, February 2024. In all releases after 1.5.0, texture and realism have suffered (even if accuracy continued to improve). It's awful. And this is typical result, for me. It's very frustrating.
Release 1.7.0, May 2024. Starting with release 1.7.0 problem intensified to point I sometimes couldn't find any texture whatsoever on objects in interiors, especially upholstery; just essentially blank surfaces.
What happened to Veras

I like that ai-powered rendering is faster, with no texture maps required, but the idea of using ai-renderers as rendering engines has been predicated on assumption that it would be a better rendering engine than others; more photorealistic, more wow factor.

Another release, 2.0, is due this quarter. I wonder how I can depend on a program which, because it's evolving, is so unpredictable, changing from release to release. I need to know I will be able to get good results now and in three months. That would be true of any program, and is available with any other program. An intact earlier release to use, even on the web, would be a work-around, to assure access to release that works for us.

Freelance, Full-time, Moonlighting
fmh design
Commercial Interior Designer & Renderer San Diego, CA