Raw image, original Veras (.950)
Raw image, original Veras
Raw mage, original Veras
Raw image, original Veras, screen shot (credit u/Zuriin, Reddit)
Veras Nostalgia

I think Veras wanted me to be quiet last year when I told them that releases 1.0 through 1.3 weren't good. That was back after Veras abandoned the look of the original Veras (as they updated for accuracy). But then along came 1.4 engine 5 in November, and that was very good.

Now things have gone backwards again and to me, releases 1.7 and 1.8 are almost unusable. They've let me know a new release is planned sometime this quarter. But that leaves me without a program to use now.

When this happened last time I still had the earlier, original Veras to make use of, and did use it, right through the "1.0 - 1.3" phase. Now there is no other option, so I am out of business.

Attached, for nostalgia's sake, are a few of my favorite images from the original Veras, and which have a nice textural quality. I stand by my impressions of this marvelous program, that not every release is better than the previous one. I wish they would focus more on rendering quality than on new features.

Freelance, Full-time, Moonlighting
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Commercial Interior Designer & Renderer San Diego, CA