Santa and MYArchitectAI and Rendair
This is where I am with ai-powered rendering; using these two renderers together.
When processing the original image in Rendair "3D Base to Render" mode, I get an adorable image, but it is a bit too much, and that issue is especially important with my ordinary office renderings. I don't know how to tone it down. I would like something a little more regular, not so cartoonish; and Santa does continue to look cartoonish in the images.
Taking the original image through MYArchitectAI results in a more accurate result although not as sparkley; I think it needs more reflections.
Taking that solid MYARchitectAI result and sending it back through Rendair, though, using the "Image to Render" mode, and I get a result that has more life but doesn't look cartoonish; for me this looks "just right." And I have tried this technique previously with office renderings and the same issues applied. Here even Santa's face looks right.