Original sketch. (Image credit to 'VentureBeat/ChatGPT')
Too Much.. Original image run through the Rendair "3D base to render" mode.
Not Enough.. Original image run through MYArchitectAI using the "accurate" mode. I will use this render as a base though and run it back through Rendair.
"Just Right." MYArchitectAI result run through Rendair, this time using the "Image to Render" mode.
Close up of Santa's face, from final "Just right" result.
Santa and MYArchitectAI and Rendair

This is where I am with ai-powered rendering; using these two renderers together.

When processing the original image in Rendair "3D Base to Render" mode, I get an adorable image, but it is a bit too much, and that issue is especially important with my ordinary office renderings. I don't know how to tone it down. I would like something a little more regular, not so cartoonish; and Santa does continue to look cartoonish in the images.

Taking the original image through MYArchitectAI results in a more accurate result although not as sparkley; I think it needs more reflections.

Taking that solid MYARchitectAI result and sending it back through Rendair, though, using the "Image to Render" mode, and I get a result that has more life but doesn't look cartoonish; for me this looks "just right." And I have tried this technique previously with office renderings and the same issues applied. Here even Santa's face looks right.

Freelance, Full-time, Moonlighting
fmh design
Commercial Interior Designer & Renderer San Diego, CA