Preliminry composite rendering. I think the depiction of the furniture in the front of the scene is good. The furniture in the office is very busy on purpose for a design effect; could be improved upon in rendering.
Front furniture isolated and rendered separately (from back office.)
Sofa close up. Looks great.
SketchUp image
PayPal, Bengaluru - Veras 1.9

Renderings based on offices of PayPal, Bengaluru, designed by M. Moser Associates. This is a crowded scene with quirky furniture and that can be a stretch for Veras. But this new release does a nice job with the furniture and the texture seems good too. The group of furniture in the back, in the office, I didn't spend as much time on and it is also further away so not as successful.

Freelance, Full-time, Moonlighting
fmh design
Commercial Interior Designer & Renderer San Diego, CA